Health Care - GeneralNursing Homes

Avoidable Sepsis Infections Send Thousands Of Seniors To Gruesome Deaths

(By Fred Schulte and Elizabeth Lucas for Kaiser Health News and Joe Mahr, Chicago Tribune, jointly produced by Kaiser Health News  and the Chicago Tribune)

Shana Dorsey first caught sight of the purplish wound on her father’s lower back as he lay in a suburban Chicago hospital bed a few weeks before his death.

Her father, Willie Jackson, had grimaced as nursing aides turned his frail body, exposing the deep skin ulcer, also known as a pressure sore or bedsore.

“That was truly the first time I saw how much pain my dad was in,” Dorsey said. Continue reading article here…

Kaiser Health News is a nonprofit national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.

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