Health Care RedesignMedicare - General

Medicare-for-All and Public Plan Buy-In Proposals: Overview and Key Issues

(By Tricia Neuman, Karen Pollitz and Jennifer Tolbert for Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation)

Medicare-for-All, an approach championed most recently by Senator Sanders in the Senate and Representative Ellison in the House, represents the most sweeping proposed change to the U.S. health insurance system among these proposals. Once fully implemented, a single, federal, government-administered program would provide coverage to all U.S. residents. Medicare-for-All would replace virtually all other sources of private health coverage (employment-sponsored plans and insurance offered inside and outside ACA marketplaces) and most public programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP. Medicare-for-All would result in a major shift in the way in which health care is financed in the U.S. — away from households, employers and states to the federal government and taxpayers. Continue reading issue brief here…

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