Emerging Health IssuesHealth Care - General

‘Eerie’ Emptiness of ERs Worries Doctors: Where Are The Heart Attacks And Strokes?

(By Will Stone and Elly Yu for NPR)

The patient described it as the “worst headache of her life.”

She didn’t go to the hospital, though. Instead, the Washington state resident waited almost a week.

When Dr. Abhineet Chowdhary finally saw her, he discovered she had a brain bleed that had gone untreated.

The neurosurgeon did his best, but it was too late.

“As a result, she had multiple other strokes and ended up passing away,” says Chowdhary, director of the Overlake Neuroscience Institute in Bellevue, Wash. “This is something that most of the time we’re able to prevent.”

Chowdhary says the patient, a stroke survivor in her mid-50s, had told him she was frightened of the hospital.

She was afraid of coronavirus.  Continue reading article here…

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