Emerging Health IssuesEmployer Healthcare

Almost One in Four Adult Workers is Vulnerable to Severe Illness from COVID-19

(By Gary Claxton, Larry Levitt, Rachel Garfield, Rabah Kamal, Tricia Neuman, Jennifer Kates, Josh Michaud, Wyatt Koma, and Matthew Rae for Kaiser Family Foundation)

As states and employers continue to reopen businesses and public offices, important decisions are being made about how to keep workers safe from becoming infected with coronavirus at work or on their commutes to and from their homes. In addition, outbreaks of coronavirus at some businesses, such as food processing facilities and long-term care facilities, highlight the risks faced by essential workers who have continued to work outside the home. Safety considerations will be particularly important for those workers at greater risk of becoming seriously ill if they become infected with coronavirus. This caution applies to older workers in general, as well as to younger workers with certain medical conditions that put them at higher risk of serious illness if they become infected.  Continue reading here…

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