Emerging Health IssuesHealth Care - GeneralMental Health/Behavioral Health

Sleepless Nights, Hair Loss and Cracked Teeth: Pandemic Stress Takes Its Toll

(By Aneri Pattani for Kaiser Health News)

In late March, shortly after New York state closed nonessential businesses and asked people to stay home, Ashley Laderer began waking each morning with a throbbing headache.

“The pressure was so intense it felt like my head was going to explode,” recalled the 27-year-old freelance writer from Long Island.

She tried spending less time on the computer and taking over-the-counter pain medication, but the pounding kept breaking through — a constant drumbeat to accompany her equally incessant worries about COVID-19.  Continue reading article here…

Kaiser Health News is a nonprofit national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

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