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Medicare made simple

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 and over. Medicare can be confusing and difficult to understand. If you do not make the right choices, you could end up with high premiums and considerable out-of-pocket costs. Worse, if you miss certain deadlines when signing up for Medicare, you could have a health insurance coverage gap or get stuck with a penalty for the rest of your life.

So when should you sign up for Medicare? Some people get Medicare automatically; others have to sign up. Generally, there are several different Enrollment Periods when it comes to Medicare. Those include Medicare Initial Enrollment Period, Medicare General Enrollment Period, and Medicare Special Election Periods. There are other Enrollment Periods: Medicare Advantage Initial Coverage Election Period, Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, and Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period.

If you are confused about Medicare’s parts and enrollment periods, please join us for our New to Medicare, 2023 edition (webinar) on September 21, 2023. You can sign up here….

And our Medicare Fundamentals (webinar) on October 20, 2023. You can sign up here…